Your Reliable Painting Services in the Barrington, IL Area

We know the natural aesthetic of Barrington and we are here to bring you reliable painting services that you can trust.

Licensed & Insured
Cost Transparency
Always on Time
2 Year Workmanship Warranty
Great Communication
High Quality Products

Worry-free Residential & Commercial Painting solutions in the Greater Chicagoland area Region [revise this part]


  • 2 Years Workmanship Warrenty

  • Screened Professionals

  • Complete Cleanup After Project

Barrington, IL Deserves Quality Painting Services

At Kaufy Painting, we value integrity and we built this company with it. You can trust us when it comes to getting things done and making sure that your residential or commercial space get the painting renovation it deserves.

Experienced Painting Company in Barrington, IL

Contact Us to Start Your Painting Project at Barrington, IL Today!

Let us help you bring new color to your residential or commercial space. At, Kaufy Painting, we get things done until you are happy with the work. Contact us today at 630-895-8820 to start your painting project with us!